What No One Tells You About the Causes of TMJ


TMJ refers to a disorder within the temporomandibular joint, which is what allows you to operate your mouth. This joint is essential for chewing, talking, yawning and everything else your mouth is used for. If you start experiencing jaw pain and frequent headaches, a disorder within the joint has likely developed. In order to effectively treat TMJ in Dumont, NJ it is necessary to understand what causes it in the first place.   


Bruxism and Stress

When people feel stressed, they tend to fall back on bad habits. Grinding teeth is one of them. Some people even grind or clench their teeth as they sleep, so they are completely unaware they are doing something detrimental. Constantly using your chewing muscles wears them down over time, and soon you may find that it is painful to open or shut your jaw.



Outside trauma can also result in issues. This injury can come from anywhere from experiencing a punch to the face to being in a vehicle accident. Damage might occur to the cartilage disc within your jaw, or your temporomandibular joint might become entirely dislocated. Having a professional examine your jaw after getting injured is the best course of action.



Two types of arthritis are capable of occurring with the jaw. These include rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. The most common characteristic of rheumatoid arthritis is joint inflammation, and if left untreated, it could eventually lead to the deterioration of cartilage. Osteoarthritis is typically brought on by aging, but it can be made more severe through trauma.


Additional Causes

There are several other ways TMJ can be brought about. They include:

·         Bone deformity that was present at birth

·         Cancer

·         Infection


Contact Us

If you want to get your jaw joint examined by dental professionals, then contact the office of Dr. Herbert Schneider. We can help protect the teeth of patients of all ages.